Wednesday, December 09, 2020

What is a Scientist?

"Science is a way of thinking, not an answer."

I hope to explain what science really is, and why its such a good thing (one of the most important in life).  But first, let's start with some examples:

Is Mr A a scientist? He worships spaghetti monster. Doesn't matter, lots of Christians are scientific and they worship similar gods.

Is Mr B a scientist?  He believes Earth goes around sun, is made of atoms, and humans evolved from prehistoric primates because he reads science books.  Doesn't matter what you believe.  Just because its in a book....

Ms. C read a website that earth is flat and evolution is a hoax.  Is one "right" and one "wrong"?  Maybe, but saying one is "science" and one isn't isn't the point.

What is a Scientist?

1) Open mind

2) Respect institutions that promote learning (process)

3) Experimentation

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