Friday, October 20, 2006

Electrochemistry of the Neuron

Best book/blog in the neurosphere:

Also, I have been trying to get a handle on the electrochemistry of the neuron, and to that end have been studying the nearest-known system in physics, since physicists try to understand things and biologists are content to just use whatever instruments the chemists and physicists make. And what is this nearest-neighbor? The P-N semiconductor of course, that eponymous minimal substrate for the most common metaphor in neuroscience, "the brain is a computer". And it turns out there is some weird sh*t going down. Positive charges are just the spaces created by the removal of negative charges, but they can be modeled as if they have a physical extension, can move, and have mass. There is a 'band-gap' (in "potential-space") that separates the electron-filled quantal energy levels and the unfilled, and the size of this gap and its relation to the place-below-which-half-the-energy-levels-are-filled (AKA Fermi Level) determines whether the material is a Conductor, a Resistor, or, if the Fermi Level falls in the band gap, a P-N semiconductor.

What does this have to do with nerves? Well, I realized I don't understand the whole ion channel thingy. Partial pressures...apparently the charge of the ions doesn't matter, in that an overabundance of Ca+ can't influence the action of, say, K+ or Cl- in anyway. Weird, if you think that every drug we put into the body must have its own partial pressure to. And different parts of the body are under different pressures. You've heard about 'the bends' (thanks, Radiohead) of nitrogen 'coming out of solution'. It seems that these affects most be omnipresent in the body where these pressure differentials crop up (and don't forget the microscale of vesicles literally 'popping' out of terminals in the synapse). My uncle is studying something to do with this and the pressure that tumors build up trying to grow against the luminal matrix of the body.

That isn't directly related to my P-N semiconductor ponderous ponderings, but it gives a flavor of the kind of questions I want to ask but don't know enough about yet to. Meanwhile, I am reading about harvesting monoclonal vs. polyclonal antibodies.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Top Ten Things To Do To Make Tucson Sustainable

(1) Harvest and conserve water
Step One:  Enjoy sponge baths or basin baths rather than showers.
Note:  A person can bathe in less than a quart of water this way!
At full sustainability Tucsonans will have cisterns, composting toilets, neighborhood water harvesting, and comprehensive water education.    

(2) Use the sun's energy
Step One:  Hang your laundry to dry in the sun.  
Note:  Some communities have restrictions against hanging out laundry.
At full sustainability Tucson will derive all its electricity and transportation from the sun's energy.
(3) Eat local and native foods
Step One:  Visit a farmers market.
Note:  Farmers Markets are listed in Tucson Weekly.
At full sustainability Tucson will have a City Food Policy to ensure access to healthy food for all Tucsonans.   Large daily farmers markets with bioregional products will supplement neighborhood food production and neighborhood desert food harvesting.  

(4) Work outdoors with neighbors
Step One:  Organize a neighborhood walk/doorknocking to discover neighborhood assets and what projects interest your neighbors.  
Note:  For tips on organizing neighborhood doorknockings, contact Pro Neighborhoods, (520) 882-5885.
At full sustainability every neighborhood will be safe for pedestrians and bicyclists, have a workable plan for emergencies which cares for all dependents, and engage in sustainable urban food production.
(5) Ride bicycle or walk to your eco-village hub
Step One:  Identify your local commercial hub and do errands there without using fossil fuel; take public transit if your destination is further or you are physically challenged.
Note:  As you walk and bike your neighborhood you may notice places which need   shade trees.  These locations can become urban agriforestry projects.
At full sustainability Tucson will be organized into 60 to 80 complete eco-villages to which people can walk or bike.   These eco-villages will be connected by a safe comprehensive system of bike paths which do not mingle with auto traffic.

(6) Plant A Food Bearing Tree
Step One:  Dig a hole and bust through the caliche.  
Note:  This is more fun if you dig with friends and throw a party when the tree is planted.  Get hold of a caliche bar.  Contact Tucson Botanical Gardens or Tucson Organic Gardeners for best species of trees to plant in your location.
At full sustainability Tucson will be an edible urban forest.

(7) Save food scraps and compost with worms
Step One:  Build a simple home made "worm farm."  Many websites teach how, e.g.:
Note:  Worms create worm castings and worm juice which are rich plant food.
At full sustainability Tucson's home kitchens, restaurants and cafeteries will be connected by a comprehensive composting program.

(8) Grow food in home garden or community garden
Step One:  Contact Tucson's Community Food Bank or Tucson Organic Gardeners for information on how to grow food.
Note:  We can garden year round in Tucson.   Water is our limiting factor; therefore, water harvesting for gardening is crucial.   Sustainable Tucson highly recommends Brad Lancaster's book Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands, available at Antigone Books, Silverbell Trading, and through Sustainable Tucson in case quantities.
At full sustainability, Tucson and its bioregion will be mostly food self-sufficient.  

(9) Educate yourself and Tucson's representatives about sustainability. 
Step One:  Read the voter's guide for the upcoming election.   Who takes sustainable positions on solar and wind energy, mass transit, bike paths, water conservation?
Note:  Sustainability education is enjoyable in a group.  Our eco-zone potlucks are a wonderful way to share books, DVD's, videos, and ideaswith each other.  Why not start a group in your neighborhood?  Then invite a person running for office.
At full sustainability any school child will be able to tell a visitor to Tucson how our sustainable city works.

(10) Become an entrepreneur in the growing sustainable economy
Step One:  Identify your own art/passion/potential product or service.
Note:  Many entrepreneurs (self-employed people) market products and services. 
At full sustainability, Tucson (including its bioregion) will be mostly self-sufficient for water,
food, energy, and transportation.  Tucson's sustainable infrastructure will need to be planned, installed, and maintained by local businesses attuned to our city's terrain and culture.   Tucson will have a local credit clearing house which keeps our region's financial resources circulating locally.  

Written by Lindianne Sarno with Nicole Christine, Bob Cook, Tom Greco, and Joanie Sawyer.  
©Sustainable Tucson 2006.