Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tactical and Executive Leadership

Notes from a presentation at APS by Jason Gardner, Echelon Front, fomer Navy Sea Air and Land SEAL.

Sometimes good to let people fail so they can improve.

There is often the assumption that if you told someone what to do then it will work, but may not hold true in stressful situations.

Develop culture where everyone is included and understands that their contribution is important.

1. Cover and Move
If teammate fails, we all fail.

2. Keep it Simple
Everyone needs to understand the goal.

3. Prioritize and Execute
Detach from details. Don't be a robot, but don't forget to see yourself from the outside.

4.  Decentralized Command
Everyone leads.  Leadership is not just a title but an attitude. 

Victory Mindset
-Default mode: aggressive.  See and do. Often the most important things to do are in the places we least want to look.
-Innovate and Adapt - aggressively
-Humility: check your ego
-Influence up and down chain of command: develop relationships
-Lead and follow
-Discipline equals freedom
-Extreme ownership: no blame, no excuses.

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