The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently listed the Gunnison Sage Grouse as "Threatened" under the Endangered Species, act, one step shy of being actually "Endangered". The ESA specifically prohibits killing a species listed as Threatened or Endangered.
The outcry has been significant, to the point that the Colorado Governor (a Democrat) is preparing a lawsuit in opposition. (
Durango Herald)
Only a few scattered subpopulations currently remain out of the historic vast swath of occupied habitat. Source: WildEarth Guardians Species Fact Sheet |
The largest population, in the Gunnisun Basin, appears to be stable and not at risk, but many of the subpopulations continue to shrink. Source: USFWS Fact Sheet. |
A chart of the small subpopulations showing overall decline since the late 1990's. Since 2011 there appears to be a promising increase. |
However, because the Gunnison population has increased since the 1990's and makes up the largest share of the total population, the total population has increased since 1996. |
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