Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Lasso, hold the rump off the ground so it can't kick, tie up the feet, hold the forelegs, and cut the carotid artery. Don't cut the windpipe or esophagus. Let it bleed. Be sure to save the blood. Then cut the skin around the ankles. and around the anus and "punch" it down, peeling it off. Cut off the head and take out the internal organs. Wash out intestines, stuff with blood. Heart is good raw. Kidneys and liver, but NOT the gall bladder (greenish sac attached to liver). Lungs. Hang for a couple days. The right wine can cut the gamey taste of mutton.

For example, Rancho Rossa, the 06 Sauvignon Blanc (my usual) from Sonoita, Arizona. Arizona Wine Country, where even the clouds are tinted grape, and the rolling red hills fall away to mountains ringed all about, as concentric circles of waves in a pond...this white is dry, tangy, lots of peach and a good kick makes it a tangy arizona specialty. A little something special hidden up cactus country's skirts.

And Olive Oils?
Spectrum's tangle of fruity aromas and slightly nutty flavors is followed by a smooth serene finish reminiscent of Napa Valley Naturals' and Bionaturae's Mediterranean. For a stronger kick, try Lucini Italia Organic Estate Grown (recommend by Dr. Andrew Weil) green and full with a distinct peppery finish and notes of artichoke....

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