Monday, September 15, 2008

Impact of Summer Rains on Santa Fe River Restoration Project

Heavy rains in Santa Fe impacted erosion control restoration structures but most of the Guardian's plantings survived. This image shows the severe scouring around behind the post vanes which were designed to deflect floodwaters. Because of heavy rains draining off the compacted surface of the city of Santa Fe, flash floods came through here hard and fast, only months after the Wild Earth Guardian's Stream Team finished pole planting willows and cottonwoods along this stretch of the Santa Fe river just south of San Ysidro crossing.

From Santa Fe River update after the summer rains

The holes we augered in sandstone for the pole plantings are now clearly visible.
From Santa Fe River update after the summer rains

The trees held and look beautifully green now in late summer. In a few years this dry wash will be a lush riparian forest.

From Santa Fe River update after the summer rains

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