The La Jencia ranch is located between Socorro and Magdalena, New Mexico, with excellent views of the Bear, Galinas, Magdalena, and Socorro mountains, as well as the Sierra Ladrones Wilderness Study Area (WSA) to the North:

La Jencia is still a working ranch, with only a few remaining cattle and horses,

the barn and (not shown) old adobe ranch house are still standing,

but the erosion on the uplands and within the La Jencia stream channel are unsustainable,

so Forest Guardians
Stream Team was called in to do mechanical removal,

which is probably the most difficult,

but effective,

means of clearing invasive and restoring native vegetation.

We harvested cottonwood and willow poles

and drove down to the creek to plant them...

(note the white mineral crust on the soil)
La Jencia Jobsite
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